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Atenciosamente, Equipe Blutrafos.


The ideal for
your needs

Blutrafos has medium and high voltage laboratories with calibrated equipments, as required by ISO 9001 standards. Our team can carry out all tests in ABNT and IEC standards, both on transformers and in medium voltage switchgears. These services can be purchased by our customers, partners and even our competitors.

Remodeling, Retrofit
ou Repowering

Blutrafos has a industrial structure to carry out any type of retrofit and renovations in Dry-Type and Oil Transformers of any brand. Can also repower old oil transformers of any brand. After carrying out the services, the transformers undergo all routine tests provided for in the ABNT standards, guaranteeing the quality of the services.

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Blutrafos has Medium and High Voltage laboratories with calibrated equipments, as required by the ISO9000 standards. We can carry out all the tests provided for in the ABNT and IEC standards, both on transformers and in medium voltage switchgears. These services can be purchased by our customers, partners and even our competitors.

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· Power Factor Testing
· Increasing temperature
· Atmospheric Impulse up to 245kV class
Noise level
· Partial Discharges
Winding Electrical Resistance
Voltage Relationship
Angular Displacement
Vacuum Losses and Excitation Current
Load Losses
Short Circuit Impedance
Voltage up to 400kV
Induced Voltage
Insulation Resistance

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Qualifications for
your project

Blutrafos seeks to be among the best in Brazil, providing customized and integrated solutions in electrical equipment, which can satisfy our customers needs. A highly qualified team you can count for your project.